Fulfilled Consulting LLC

Fulfilled Consulting LLC is the heartchild of Tonya Smith who is a legal professional as well as advocate for expanding choices for end of life care and death with dignity. Our goal is to bring grace and compassion to the cycle of life by planning for it and effortlessly tying up the loose ends.

Who We Are

Planning for the end of life saves considerable time, money, and heartache for those we love most. In our experiences legal professionals, caretakers, and financial planners we use our expertise to create simplicity and ease. Our clients can exist in the peace that their end-of-life wishes are known and their loved ones are supported after they are gone.

About The Planner

Tonya Fortune Smith is the Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Fulfilled Consulting LLC. She hopes to change the conversation by removing the stigma around speaking about and planning for death will hopefully reinforce that taking control of end-of-life decisions can be empowering and even comforting.

Our Services

Advanced Care & End of Life Planning

Remember that no-one regrets planning, they just regret not planning sooner.


Financial Planning

Fulfilled now offers specialized financial services to support you and your family’s financial health till and through the end of life.

Fare-Thee-Well Planning

A Fare-The-Well is a set of flawless events designed with you and your loved ones in mind specifically designed.

Compassionate Completions

We know how overwhelming the time after a death can be as you wrap up the personal and financial affairs.

Let’s Talk

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