USA Today Article & Resources

Death Doulas Used to Be Rare
The COVID-19 Pandemic Changed That

USA Today

November 22, 2022 Issue

Tonya Fortune Smith & Floyd D. Smith End-of-Life Doulas, Since 2017

What’s a Death Doula?

An end-of-life doula is a non-medical person who provides continuous physical

emotional, informational, and spiritual support to their client

whose facing a life-limiting diagnosis with

compassionate engagement and open-hearted presence or

if you care for someone near the end of life.

This work calls upon old wisdom, work that was done by our

great-grandmothers who have accompanied their loved ones

through the bookends of life, including birth and death

since the beginning of time before it had a name.

Now, we are the marriage of old ways with new resources and information.

BJ Miller TED Talk – What really matters at the end of life

Grief Outloud Podcast

Request Tonya as a speaker at your next event!

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