Who We Are

Fulfilled Consulting LLC is the heartchild of Tonya Smith who is a legal professional as well as advocate for expanding choices for end of life care and death with dignity. Our goal is to bring grace and compassion to the cycle of life by planning for it and effortlessly tying up the loose ends.

Planning for the end of life saves considerable time, money, and heartache for those we love most. In our experiences legal professionals, caretakers, and financial planners we use our expertise to create simplicity and ease. Our clients can exist in the peace that their end-of-life wishes are known and their loved ones are supported after they are gone.

While we are based in North Carolina we serve clients all over the world through virtual consultations and travel.

We are a team of simple, knowledgeable and committed end of life planners.

We are guides to navigating the emotional, practical, legal, and spiritual issues while contemplating or nearing the end of life.

We are a professional end of life support team.

What We Believe

Fulfilled Consulting LLC believes that END OF LIFE PLANNING EQUALS PEACE however; when it comes to death, many people think it’s a taboo to discuss their death, or they make the mistake of believing they are too young to plan for it. As demonstrated by recent events, however, there is no time that is too soon to start thinking about your death. The perfect time to plan your end is now.

How do you want it to go? Where do you want to be? Who should be there? What do you want to have around you? What do you want to leave behind and for whom?

Being deliberate about the end of your life frees you up to enjoy the rest of your life. It’s helpful to think about your last few months in five different domains: physical, emotional (relational), spiritual, life purpose, and after death. In each area, you can consider what would make the end of life feel complete, and possibly even pleasure able.

Fulfilled is my way of honoring my own journey and my intimate relationship with illness, death and grief by making it my mission by assisting family’s effort to make it easier, to provide a track to run on, with compassion and sacred end-of-life care planning by utilizing guide sheets, questions, and answers.

We hope that Fulfilled will help people answer questions in advance of that time when they may not be as able to make important decisions as they are today. Our care team has been designed to assist individuals and families prepare in advance for the kind of care near the end of life that we all wish for ourselves and our families.

We cater to the belief that first impressions are built upon appearance, presentation, and professionalism. As a result, how we think about, talk about, and plan for end-of-life issues with substance, style, and a modern perspective in our design and services.

These are the core values that our company is built upon: character, ethics, integrity, quality, creativity, innovation, and customization.

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